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Fine lines & wrinkles are some of the first signs of ageing. It can throw a curve-ball at your youthful glow & overall look. If you are wondering how fine lines & wrinkles show up, here's a quick read for you:
Causes of Fine Lines & Wrinkles:
Constant exposure to the sun:
We all know the damaging effects of harmful UV rays. The reason why they are so notorious is that these rays penetrate through to the deepest layers of the skin, dehydrate & burn skin cells. Constant exposure to them can accelerate the process of ageing. This is why it is observed that fine lines & wrinkles mostly show up on the parts of your skin that are most exposed to the sun.
Facial Expression
Our facial muscles, and their constant mechanical back & forth can create grooves in our skin. These grooves get deeper & deeper with age and often turn into wrinkles & fines.
Collagen & Elastin are extremely important in maintaining our skin's youth. With age, we lose both collagen & elastin gradually, losing the moisture & elasticity in our skin. This, in turn, results in fine lines.
At Skin Studio Pure Elle, we've got a plethora of skin rejuvenation & anti-ageing Services to give you the young and glowing skin you deserve.